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site overview (cheat sheet)

Long story short -"We're a band from Philly, in the US that does all styles of music and art. These are the adventures."

Better way to explain it"We're a cartoon band from Limbo/between worlds in Philadelphia, Pa, USA, that shifts levels and bar hops and gigs and just hangs out in all realities and dimensions, while looking for the purest vibrations of BEING BEing Being.  The band is made of two clowns, a girl who's what some folks call a "daylight" (vampire-angel mix), and a bear. These are the sights, sounds, philosophies and other random adventure stuff while "shifting levels" (travel between worlds, realities, dimensions, understandings and manifestations of BEING BEing ways of Being) while gigging and bar-hopping, on our quest to understand and freely dig on the grooves of the purest vibes... the vibrations of pure free living and BEing Being." ... and there's even more to it than that buuut, i mean, c'mon man, that's a lot to read, especially for an introductory "Hey, nice to meet/WELCOMEVENIDOS MUCHACHO!" handshake and spheel... dig me? It's in the ABOUT page. For now, "Sup. You good? Don't lie either."


To help you find what you're looking for there's this thing here, which is basically in the same order at the menu bar at the top but with a breakdown of what's what and where. The socials at the top (main menu bar thing) are the ones most updated and/or currently most frequently used or checked on in random order. A full list of ALL OUR SOCIALS is at the bottom if any of those are your thing.

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