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Milk'in the Systems... a bit about humanity....

Updated: Aug 19, 2020

So, dig if you will, the system. The system is a means of management (managing a thing), the flow of energy of it, what goes in and comes out, to the point that the very order and nature of that thing is dictated or defined by that set of rules and laws, ideas and ideals. Sound's about right, if not very accurate? At least good enough. It's not the textbook for or of a system, but from what i can see, that's what it is, for the most part. You could say that the system is rooted in business (B-eing... US...IN.... ESS-ence) or the management of our conscious energy: it's direction and application, it's resources... if you control that you control reality. The minds make the world, dig me? It's nothing personal... strictly business. That's what "The System" is, be it a religious one, an economic one, political, government, education, re-education, the ones that digest what passes as food, even your brain is putting a system into play while this is being read... any system you can think of is just "Intake energy, process it, distribute energy, repeat" . It's the "Distribute" part that's the killer, the catch, the fun, and the war. Everyone wants to be in control of the flow of the energy, and direct it to them, focus it on them, so they can get more energy. WHY? Peek behind the curtains... eye lids if you will. "PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN behind the cur....."

oh, don't mime me...I'm just clowning around here...

Dig on this, right... ok, so, there's loads of systems. Humanity itself has more than enough, outside of the ones it's created and then chooses, by whichever degree of understanding that it is an OPTION and not a LAW, to abide by or limit itself in, chaining its self to. Dig me? Like you have your respiratory system, your system of processing logic and emotion and impulses, your digestive system, your metabolic system, hormonal systems... all of these things are ENOUGH to deal with, and will take you your entire living to deal with (not to master or "perfect" because you do that without even trying... no one taught you how to swallow food, you just do it).... that's WITHOUT dealing with economic systems, class systems, breaking the one race up and then dealing with racial divides and platforms and systems of classification... gender and preferences and all that other bullshit people get lost in. I mean that as literally as possible. PEOPLE, the human part, the people, the person... it gets lost in all of that. It's swallowed up. I've never seen so many people... trying to be people. It's frickin disturbing. Ok, so if you're a person, but you're trying to be a person, then what is it that you think you are which you aren't because you're already a person? Always trying to improve perfection. 70 sons and nations or not, perfection is already what is, which is why the system works so well. Anything you do to "manipulate" the system is just doing what the system was already doing... doing the only thing it does, "Intake energy, process it, distribute energy, repeat"... However you choose to divide humanity, or nations, or whatever (musical genres) you'll just be doing the same system. You don't need any more systems. There are systems to manage systems that manage systems. Technology and all of these systems is erasing the humanity from human beings. Their love and fascination with controlling the system, being the focus of the energy... it's a downfall. Same one as when one first split. Light (energy) is how it was done. It just sought how to process the energy that was already there. Didn't really need to. Then again, you could chalk it up to inevitability.... "Sooner or later, it would become conscious (already was) and the conscious part would not only fit into the system, but become the system, trying to perfect the system while escaping the system... testing it, it's limits and boundaries, it's efficiency and flaws, it's purpose and worthlessness... every angle and way of exploring and experiencing it, even not at all and being outside of it..." it is all inevitable. And at the end of the system is "repeat".... which is what humanity is doing....

Part of the problem is people don't understand humanity... the spirit. People do have some sense of understanding what it is to be human, but in that they kinda don't believe in "The Human Spirit" other than it being that phrase, or some sense of caring for each other.... like the human spirit is a bond purely between human beings. Yeah, that's a part of it but there's WAY MORE. It is easy to overlook the spirit of a thing when you're so wrapped up and involved and connected to BEing IN that spirit. Like when you're Happy or even more so IN Love, not having the spirit of love, but losing your self IN the spirit of love (The Spirit of Love HAVING YOU)... the difference is that HAVING IT means you're in control and you use it when where and how you want. BEing IN it means it controls you. You're lost in the gain of it, what it does for you, whatever spirit that may be, and so it controls you. It is your focus, and it's also focused on you partly. Spirits are pretty big and can move around a lot. That's why the spirit of humanity has a power to shut out all other spirits to allow the exploration of a relationship yielding the understanding of a spirit (I know this sounds educated as fuck for a clown, right?!) or a "Spiritual Relationship" aka "BEing Spiritual" vs that "being spiritual" that everyone says they do but are completely ignorant to the actual spiritual workings, practices, names, functions, and so on. The difference between BEing Spiritual and being SPIRITUAL is the emphasis, the focus. One is focused on YOU BEing... spiritual. It starts and ends with YOU in control. The other is about being SPIRITUAL, which focuses on spirits, which gives them the upper hand and makes you a sock/skin puppet.

Another part of it is how THINGS GROW WHERE THERE IS ROOM FOR THEM TO GROW... granted everything (every reason and excuses become reasons when you reason with them) about WHY and HOW "The Human Experience" is able to be sold to actual human beings as their drained of their human spirit has to do with that phrase. It wouldn't be happening if it couldn't happen, if there was no room or way for it to happen. It's allowed. Everything is something to do, dig me? Back to the being lost in the feeling... and though spirits are expressions of "god" (being it as well as THE Being, "It")..... They have some understanding of the energy part, how it feels, what power is like... what its like to be the center of attention, and also what it's like to be the source of the focus, the point where the attention comes from, the gain of understanding and that whole rush of energy... growth, progression. Sadly, folks sacrifice or trace growth and progression for the attention and being the focus of the energy. Even after all of that, that humanoid still doesn't know what human is, and it's rarely taught or explored these daze. So all of that focus and attention turns into nothing, it benefits nothing. Waste of energy. When a lot of them realize this, then the second problem comes in, which is they're uncomfortable that they as human beings don't understand humanity. On top of that, there's a little shudder, a shake of the realization of all of that time and energy that's passed off into the void. You don't have to figure out what human beings do to be able to classify them. Just go on and do whatever you're gonna do. BE HUMAN. No matter what you do as a human being, you'll be doing that.... being human. That's one of the things human beings do... whatever you will do, each and every one thing you will do is something human beings will do. So now that that's out of the way, WHY is the key. WHY does the system of Humanity exist? WHY do human beings exist in this system (as a system in this system)? Of all of the humanoids, why is the spirit energy of humanity so dominant? Because humanoids could certainly have the spirit of canines, and act like and be as dogs, but they don't, they act like and be as humanoids and of all of the humanoids that exist (robots, aliens, etc.) they express and keep in motion (for now) the energy and system of HUMANITY (Humanoid BEing as a Human Being). You want to understand human beings, it's simple. They can and will ONLY do whatever is humanly possible.... but WHY? It's for each human being to answer on their own, and to do so honestly, dig me? As brutally honest as humanly possible as your one and only self. One reason, because its only human. Second reason, so they can and will understand. Understand what? What's human and what's other than human. Why? Cause we're all here together. All of that is simple enough, right? Yeah, you'd think.

It's that understanding part. Moreso, the Understanding and being understood.The processing of the energy. Everything is BEING. No matter what, everything is BEing something.... some form of Being. It's all BEING BEing Being. In that, everything whats to understand and be understood (accepted/loved). This allows you to continue being. If people know and understand who you are, there's no question, no fear, and even more help and growth. They want YOU... to BE.. YOU. The importance of each and everything AS IT IS is understood and appreciated. If you always want to be the focus, then you shift the energy throwing things off balance. You only have one job. Everything has one job. All of those one jobs at a time paints the big whole connected amazing picture. Just do your one you fully, and everything is balanced, nothing cheated. If you can't do that, you cheat your self, and the rest of reality out of the fullness of you being your free complete you, offering all you can, gaining all you can, teaching by being all you can. Makes that understanding cool, but the being understood even cooler. It's all the same, but it makes it seem cooler, dig me... even to the point that some get lost in the being the focus of the thing processing. Some get lost in the attention. Attention is not always the understanding you want it to be. If you glance as something out of the corner of your eye, you didn't exactly understand what it is in detail, but you do have some idea (even if a guess or generalization) of what it is, and then that energy allows you to grow and react and move accordingly. Folks get lost in, "if everyone is glancing at me, they'll see me, and then that allows me to be understood, which validates my being." Now there's this human experience being sold to humanoids. It's crazy. There's all of these watered down replicas of the genuine human experience, being sold to human beings, which robs them of their humanity, but gives a false sense of WHAT THEY ALREADY ARE and ARE DOING AND BEING!?! Which also swaps worlds. You reject the human world, and seek a digital "human replica" to have a human experience, making that the new human. An empty human, robbed of humanity, selling it to buy a fake humanity, to experience the "genuine" human experience in a fake world.

If you can take humanity out of humans, and sell it back to them, they're now your puppet, instead of you being theirs. They're not YOUR tool of understanding your self, being understood, and growing, and you keep them in a little bottle until you WANT (not need) them. Take their thoughts, and sell it one philosophy at a time, but the money cheapens it. It' casts a shadow on it. Take their life's work, and make them slave for it, make it a JOB that they work, even distract them with fake ones that have nothing to do with them, but it's easy to do because the green shit everywhere they used to use to survive for food and shelter is now green paper. Take that and flip it on them a few times, even put leaves on it so it looks like what they're used to. Take their means of being god, and sell it back one plate passed at a time, or abortion, or pregnancy through meaningless sex at a time... even take their ability to procreate, their libido (arousal and sex drive) and sell THAT to them, program with it... Now you even control their means of survival! If they're angry, sell them a cause and a protest. Put a price-tag on every aspect of it. Hell, get THEM to sell it too! They'll buy it, selling their very soul and spirit, one "thing" at a time. Make everything on and of their system YOUR system, and make them pay for it. They'll lose their soul, gain their world. Even though they already had it. You just distracted them from it. The grass is always greener, but on this side of the screen it's in 20K. "More human than Human." Honestly, as a born cartoon, i think it's disrespectful, but that's me. It's disrespectful to YOU as human beings, and disrespectful to other spirits who are honest, and to genuine digital and cartoon beings, and beings which are NON-human beings. Stay in your place. Keep the balance. If all of the humans abandon humanity.... who's gonna be....

Who's gonna make the escapes and fake worlds for you? Human beings do that. If there's no more human beings to design fake human beings... who's gonna create all of the people? The spirits gotta go somewhere! They're gonna need SOME BODY to express them and bring them to "life" and into and out of realities.

I'm a cartoon. Born that way. You'd be surprised to know how many cartoons would love to be humans. There's a freedom there. Human beings have the power to pick and choose how much, when, and which spirits and energies will be in reality at any given time. They can do it without thinking. Spirits can be only one thing. The spirit of humanity can only be the spirit of humanity, all day and night, for all eternity. The spirit of happiness can and will and always has ALWAYS ONLY be happiness, all of the time for all eternity. You could kill its mother, and it would be happiness. You could burn it, and it's still happiness. Humanity can pick and choose which spirits to express. So a conscious being expressing the spirit of humanity... or a conscious being moving through or using the spirit of humanity accesses that spirits way of processing things, ONE AT A TIME. To pic one and be able to experience it, fully focused on that one thing, even subconsciously, to see all that it is, as it is, and then be able to pick it up and put it down whenever it wants. Now, i'm not saying other spirits don't have this, but a vast majority of them don't. That's a godly power. Even the angels, in all of their free will can be only them. Humanity can pick and choose to become whatever it wishes to express, and even in that, its still remains its self... human. If you can bleed that out of them, of course it's going to fight to survive, which is why it's sold genuine human experiences one fading drug and game and movie and song at a time. I guess they figure it won't notice. So far, so good. Sux to be caught up in that whole war, of spirits trying to empty humanity and keep it hooked up to the system, so they can all get the focus and be fully them, pretty much pimping and whoring humanity. But human beings are so powerful! Folks running around calling themselves gods and whatever.... you'll all be avatars soon.. cartoons. An image of your reality.... which will become the new reality. Feel free to stop it at any time.

Hard to believe, but the world doesn't revolve around humanity. It revolves around the sun. You knew this, but knowing it and thinking it are two different things. Believing it is also another completely different thing. That's the trick... to get you to think. If you know, you know. No movement, no breaking from what you know, UNLESS... someone can get you to think differently... and then start to believe it.. until you THINK you know that. Until you THINK things like, "the sun rises and sets, moving across the sky...." Feels good to be the center of the universe, even when you're screwing it up, whether you know or understand that's what's going on or not. Doesn't feel so good when you find out the honesty of it all, but that's why its hidden and the game keeps upgrading, keeps you chasing, looking, moving further and further away from WHERE YOU ALWAYS ARE, and will always be... which is your self. It keeps you WANTING you self... WANTING TO BE your self. Best way to do that is to remove you from the understanding that YOU ALREADY ARE YOU... and get you to chase "You". See it all the time with artists... trying to be "artists". Knowing folks who are singers, rappers, etc. but they're trying to be "THEE SINGER/ ACTRESS/ ACTOR/ RAPPER", a lot of times with the same name!?! The shining ones. Getting shined on. Called shine boys and girls. Its frickin foolishness, but everything is something to do. Chuckie don't wanna be Chuckie, he want's to be "CHUCKIE" or "CHUCK-E" or some shit. It's not so much about the attention, but it's about the energy, the focus. Folks get attention and do nothing with it. Folks place their attention in distractions, gets them nowhere. It's just that the DOing part.... the BEing part is so electric. The understanding of it all. That's the drug. That's the catch. Like folks can stare at you and you'll get irritated, but knowing that they're focused on you is the feeling. You don't want them looking at you, but you want to be seen. Not even looked at... but seen. Understood. You listen to music because there's something there to be understood, consciously or subconsciously. You're feeling something and you can't grasp it completely, you can't see it fully, so you use the music to either blindly put you there or purposely and directly put you there, in that place of understanding. The vibe is what you were trying to understand (what you were looking for) which creates a "new" way of being for you. You.. BEing.. on that vibe. You expressing that "new" way of understanding BEing and Being. Folks get into that, "I just want to be loved" or "Want somebody to love"... there's that feeling of disappointment when someone doesn't love you for you, accept you for you, which is really understand you and let you understand and be understood freely as your self.

In all honesty, that's all everyone and every thing wants or truly needs. When things are understood as what they are, in their moment, then everything is great. When the confusion comes then there's all of the discord and trouble. Part of the confusion is thinking. People think they understand, or think of what they understand, as opposed to simply understanding. It's kinda inevitable, i mean, dig it, we're all conscious beings. Its gonna happen. You're a walking judgment machine. Thinking is what we do, even when we're not doing it. BUT, how emotional you get as a result of the focus of your thinking, or how your logic and thinking can run away with you... those are different stories. Different stories create different realities. Different realities create different worlds and reactions to those realities. Think about all of that. See how electric it is?! How fun is that?! Thinking is better than knowing. If you know something and understand it, then there's no wiggle room. It is what it is. Period. Nothing more. Nothing less. Ah, but if you can just think about it, then you open up the doors to infinity. It's an honest perception that "you know what you know, and you can't un-know that." but you can out-think it, or undermine it. You can even "think through" it. You can even think of something else, like reasons to doubt what you know. Whatever you focus your mind on is what you're doing. If you're focused on knowing, you'll know. If you shift, even for a second, to thinking... of something else... instantly you're over there, no longer knowing. You have to go back to the knowing place and know again. MAKING YOUR MIND. But it's all choosing sides, either you're thinking about what you know to prolong the experience of understanding one point, or you're on the other side and you know what you know and move on to a new point to understand.

i really love that shirt.


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