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Thing Outside The Box.... what's out "there"?

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

What’s in the booooox? Everything.

Dig it, ok, so if everything is inside of the box, then what’s outside of the box? There can’t be anything outside of the box, because EVERYTHING is inside of the box. Picture that you… were the box. How would that feel? What would it do to your mental stability? That’s basically the chit chat here.

It’s not a God conversation, but it is, but it ain’t. It’s not about creation but it involves it. All alternate realities included. This is like one of those “Mother Of Conversations” talks. It’s a thing I’ve been losing sleep over but at the same times just completely drains me and puts me to sleep… or rather, like usual, I just pass out… or more accurately, while doing something, I’ll wake up. If that makes any sense. It’s trippy and scary at the same time. Picture driving or walking down a street and then wake up doing it. Yeah. At what point did you go to sleep? That’s how I sleep. You wake up in an adrenaline boosted anger multiplied confusing blur of beside-selfness and are trying to figure out what happened and at the same time stay calm while trying to figure out what reality you’re in. But whatever for that.

Ok, so, dig this, going back to the jump off here… Picture a box. Inside of this box is everything. Everything? EVERYTHING. Everyone you know, every planet, every sound, every thought, every memory, color, smell, form of being, language… every second and time itself contained in this box. That’s a pretty infinite box, but it’s still inside of a box. Top, bottom, and four sides. Boxed in. Space, all of the universes, the multiverse, even all of it’s expansion, no matter how much it expands, it all still fits inside this box. It’s like a Santa’s magic bag box. EVERYTHING is inside of this box. So, what’s outside the box? Like, what space is the box sitting in? Who put all the stuff inside the box? How did it all get in there, and where did the box come from and what’s it made of that everything in infinity can fit inside of it… making it not really infinite, but just really really immeasurable given the means you have of measuring. It’s measurable but outside of your understanding and capability.

From a person(al) perspective, you could picture getting inside of your go everywhere vehicle with a cloning machine or some kinda fountain of youth eternity juice, right… whatever you have to do to never die, or stay young or in your ideal form forever… cloning machine with the ability for you to use a body and push it to it’s limits and when it breaks down to ashes you just inhabit another body… just leaping from one to the next so “YOU” live forever inside these different avatars/bodies. Tweak ‘em however you want. Now, you’re gonna take that forever self, and get in that go everywhere vehicle, and pick a direction, and go that way… forever. What the fuck? Ok, here’s what the fuck. Ok, so if you pick “Left” then you get in there and you go left… forever. Like you drive left on the planet until you run out of planet and then go to space. Once you hit space, you stay going 1000% dead left. No deviation so you’re going in a straight line for as long as you can. With all of that, multiple lifetimes (or bodies worth) of going left, you still never hit the inside wall of the box. Let’s say you DO hit the inside wall… how do you get out of the box?

Space is trippy man. I diggs it. You can’t see space. You only see what’s IN the space. Like the ocean is made up of water sitting in that space. There’s a ground at the bottom, so the water sits on the ground and fills up however much it fills up until you get to the top of the ocean where the water meets the air. From that top down to the ocean floor is the space the ocean is in, but you can’t see that space because the ocean is in it. You can look up at the stars in the clear sky… and yeah, the sky is clear, it’s not blue, it’s friggin clear… if the sky was blue, every shot of Earth from space would be just a solid blue ball. You wouldn’t even see clouds. If the blue blocks you from seeing the stars, how can you, from the stars, see through the blue to the ground? That’s just dumb. Anyways, so you look up into the clear friggin sky, and see “space”. You know there’s space there because you see stuff IN the space. You see stars, planets, chunks of rocks and swirly lights and mists and all sorts of shit, all sitting in it’s own space, but you never see space. Like the space between the Earth and the Moon you can’t see. You can measure it by putting one end of a measuring device on the earth and the other end on the moon and seeing what number comes up when you take your measurement, whether it’s in height or length or whatever. Then you say, “The space between the earth and the moon is like 238,900 miles or some crap. 38.855 miles let’s say, give or take.” I don’t know what you’d be giving or taking, but whatever that is, give or take that. No, it’s not a dump or crap or shit. You can give or take a dump or crap or shit between the Earth and th…. FOCUS, dammet!!!!

You don’t see space. Even if you could, if you hit the edge of “space” there would have to be something there for it to be contained inside of. Like if Space was in a Jar, then you would hit glass. Or tupperware. No, you would not hit crystal meth… it’s not that kinda gla… Are we gonna have this talk seriously or are you gonna be a smartass the whole time?! So, ((glares at you)) you hit… the edge… the inside… of the container. NO IT’S NOT A PIPE. YOU ARE NOT HITTING A SPACE PIPE. I’m not talking to your lower self anymore. That you is too silly right now. I’m talking to your higher self now. Can you put your higher self on the consciousness phone please? Ok. Thank you.

So, let’s say you go left… and you’re infinite in your being… so you can go straight left for however long, in your go everywhere vehicle… frickin merkaba, fine, yes, frickin Mercedes merkaba, whatever… STILL… you hit the edge of space and you know it’s that because there’s something there that keeps you from going further. What is it? If you’ve kept up with this conversation and don’t know what a merkaba is… wow. That’s a twist. But, it’s possible, because not only is everything possible, but everything actually is and is waiting there in it’s fully expressed form in all realities and scenarios waiting for whomever to express it however, whenever… so, yeah, long thing short, it’s possible. Merkaba…. Mer (water) ka (spirit) ba (earth) or something like that… this is a cartoon clown’s explanation, ok, so take it with a few grains of salt around a margarita glass and sip it sloooow and easy, yeah? Mind, body, and soul. It’s like the soul’s spirit vehicle or something like that. You can look it up. It’s like if you take a pyramid facing up and another one pointing down and fuse them together in the middle so it’s a star pointing in “all directions” no not ALL directions because that would be a circle.

Back to the box. What is this substance that the ever expanding space that you cant see, is unfolding in it, producing planets and other galaxies and other realms and dimensions, friggin Stephenson 2-18 which if you were a star, you would be Stephenson and you could hold a grape and that would be the sun, that’s how big it is, something like that. Yeah, you though the sun was huge, right?! There’s shit out there fam, and it’s all INSIDE THE FRIGGIN BOX. Stephenson 2 DFK 1 also known as Stephenson 2-18. Solar at your boi.

Shall we go further? Yes? I’m gonna pretend you said yes. If you keep reading then you said yes. Good for you. Ok, so everything inside of the box is being “created” or at least expressed. It’s already been created. Everything has been created. Everything is, like I said before, and it’s just being expressed. It’s just being experienced. It’s just BEING… expressed. Like you are a being… expressed. Not going too deep with that even though it kiiinnnnda has something to do with this whole thing. Diving in deep, infinite waters, you can get a hello there and a wu-tang, yes. Ok, so… for stuff to be being expressed… something has to be expressing it, or at least witnessing or experiencing the expression. From how it was told to me, that something is a triple thing. Triple as in it’s one main thing (A) divided into two equal parts (B & C) that make up the whole (A). Like water is H2 and O. 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom… if you break water apart you get 2 H’s and 1 O. So if you break A apart you get B & C. Hydrogen is it’s own thing. Oxygen is it’s own thing. But Water is also it’s own thing. Water ain’t Hydrogen and it ain’t Oxygen, it’s friggin water. So A we’ll call complete BEING. B we’ll call Conscious Being and C we’ll call Non-Conscious Being. Yes, I’m a cartoon clown. Be easy. Focus. So Conscious being is just that. It’s conscious. Always has been. Always will be. You can take BEING (A) and have it go from Conscious (B) to Non Conscious (C) and vice versa. How? Well, you’re a conscious being, right? So BEING (A) the whole, the complete form is expressed as you. As far as Non Conscious being, it’s never been conscious and never will. What is that? Stuff like Space. You can’t step on space. If you did it wouldn’t say “Ouch!” because it ain’t friggin conscious. It don’t know you stepped on it. However it does exist…. it is a form of BEING.

Back to the box. We know it’s BEING because it exists. Everything that exists is a form of BEING. It’s BEING BE-ing that form of Being. It’s A (BEING/the whole) BE-ing (expressed as/having the experience of) Being (a form… the box). What the fuck is BEING? Well other than the combination of pure conscious being and pure non conscious being, it’s just pure being. But what is that? If anyone has a definition, hit me up. If anyone knows what it’s made of, hit me up. The clown is down to get the lowdown and rundown or breakdown… or whatever. Yeah this was a long jibba-jabba to say that one thing, but still, there we go.

Why does it even matter? Well, if one object can only exist in one space at one time then The Box is interesting. Why is it there? Inevitability. If all things exist IN the box, then in the box is the outside of the box and the box itself as well. Don’t think about that too hard. Stuff might start popping and gushing blood. No one needs that. That’s friggin gross, even if it’s designed to do so. Still, inevitability is a big thing to me. A lot of stuff can slide because of that. You can’t and don’t forget it, you still react to it, you might not agree with it, but you can at least let it slide, you can let it be. For example, everything has a word. One word. Everything that exists has one word. If you saw a crowd of people running from something and you shrugged like, “Dude wtf?” to one person who locked eyes with you in the stampede, they would call out one word. There’s your proof. No matter what it is. If it was a giant fire breathing dragon with red and black stripes and electric coming out of it’s talons that rose up out of the sea and shook the earth when it landed, when everyone started running, and you got out of your car in traffic seeing the stampede coming, and you shrugged, “Dude, wtf?” to the lady with her baby hauling ass, she’s gonna yell out, “DRAGON!” When you hear the friggin ice cream truck come up the street, the kids might not yell out, “Otter Pops!” or “Mr. Softie!” but you will hear “IceCream!” which is technically two words but it’s like a compound word kinda thing, so fuck you, you know what I mean. Everything can be boiled down to one word that can be given to cut through all bullshit and give a clear enough picture so you know how to react or what to expect so you can have the experience of your most ideal self. “DRAGON!” means run. For your life. Or it’s time to get the dragon killer(s) off of the shelf… aka… FIGHT. Or even better… Kill. Yup, you hear Dragon, 1 on 3 people will go “Kill”, one will go “Run”, and one will go, “WhaAAaaAAaa?” and die ridonkulously stupid in either the stampede, or from the dragon, or getting in the way of the dragon killers. They might just survive it, in which case, “WhaaAAaaAa?” dude is the friggin Zen Master. There are the Gumps of realities. It exists. Everything exists. Everything is something to do. That's the long version of every thing has one word. Even biblically... don't know if I spelled biblically right, but you get me... friggin biblically... liberty biberty... in the beginning was the word.. not the words, that's plural... it says WORD. One word. One vibration. One thought and idea and way of being expressed through one sound which has one frequency, which has one numerical value, one RGB/CYKM color code, one tattoo, one vibe, one ring to rule them all baby... in the end there can be only one... one love, one body, one punch man, one piece... ONE... the loneliest number you could ever do. It's inevitable.

Back to the box, and inevitability and one word. How do you explain something you can’t explain, or something that has no explanation in one word? “Inexplainable.” Simple enough. If you believe in God or the Supreme Being (the most pure form of Conscious Being)… the highest self, then that thing exists in that space. Who created it? It wasn’t created, it just is. How do you explain that? It’s inexplainable outside of the explanation of “it just is.” The tricky thing is for that thing, that highest being, that purest form of conscious being… to look at the box, and wonder, “What’s outside of here?” Basically, the supreme being asking "What is beyond me?" Why is it crazy? Because if you already understand and KNOW (two different things) that YOU ARE THE BOX… and YOU ARE EVERYTHING IN IT… and EVERYTHING OUTSIDE OF IT… then how do you find out what’s beyond you? It can't be "nothing" or nothingness, or a wolf called the nothing. Nothing is a THING. It has a word. Words are things. Thoughts have words which is how thoughts are things... Whatever. There you are... like Sgt. Barnes, "...all by my lonesome..." If you want to say that you are sitting inside of your self, or you are existing in your self (In the case of the Supreme Being... the test says... YOU ARE THE SPACE! Supreme being goes running off the stage, which is it's self, while it's baby mama's who is also its self is being bleeped out "I Told You! ((bleep bleep)) I Told you! Look at that universe! ((Bleep)) It got YO EYES! I Told you!" STEEEEEEEEEVE!!!!!!) ... At some point, you sitting in a room full of you, while the ceiling, walls, and floor is you too... you're gonna make a window and wanna look out and find something else. It's inevitable. Ok, so you're you, sitting in a bunch of you, surrounded by you, with you flowing all through your veins... what's that made of? You're gonna ask. Let there be light, ok, but you already know what you're gonna see. So what are you REALLY looking for? Like what outside of what you already know are you looking for? Unless you know what's out there? The reaching out part... the expansion part... That could be why the universe is stretching out, to find the ends of its self, and when it hits the end, to feel for what’s on the other side. But it's like if you had a white sheet of paper and you poured black ink onto it... the ink would run, filling up the white, reaching out and spreading until it covers the entire sheet and eventually hits the end of the page. What's at the edge of the page? After you've filled up the inside, where is there to go? Other than crazy or back inside. That ain't good enough for some. It’s an inevitable inexplainable thing that you can’t stop clawing at. You can distract yourself by going inward, “creating” and exploring and understanding and knowing and experiencing universes and galaxies and thoughts and spirits and every other form of conscious and non conscious being, and even pure being, but what’s beyond that? You can't shake that question. You gotta scratch that itch, dig me? If all there was was you, then at some point, it would be inevitable that you’d be frustrated with the immeasurable (yet measurable) loneliness and depression of that being all you know.... and in a fit of madness or genius or whatever you want to tell your self, you just create a bunch of imaginary yet real personas (people, angels, gods, demons, worlds, realities, etc.) and just watch 'em dance, and even get so high on it you forget your outside self… still though, since the question is always there, gnawing at you, “What’s outside of me? What’s beyond me?” then you’ll still reach out, maybe when no one is looking, maybe you'll program all of your little imaginary friends to ignore it but if you think it then they'll think it... which is why they/we reach out. Doesn’t change the fact that even at the highest and purest point… there’s that box juuuuuust over there, and you’re in it. What’s outside the box? This is why cartoon clowns in bands are so few. Because we do stuff like this. Which, yes, it’s inevitable. Or else it would not be. And all things are anyways… even your boy here. Everything is and everything is something to do. What's beyond that? I could get into the madness of "Let there be light..." which, if you think about it, is that one lonely thing trying to understand what it already knows. It's like turning on a light so you can see yourself in a mirror, but you already know you're there, and what you look like. And, again, everything exists already... you can't say "LIGHT" if it wasn't already a thing you knew. You only know what exists already. You can't know anything that doesn't exist is another way to say that, because it doesn't exist to know. Why keep reaching? Why are you not enough for you? You can ask humanity but humanity is just an echo, reverberation of the initial question which goes back to the start (everything comes from one point, in the beginning was the word... one word, one point)... why was that one point not enough? Especially since it's made of EVERYTHING (so why is everything not enough?) and where do you go after that? What are you reaching for that's beyond EVERYTHING? No matter how inevitable it is... Whatever though... what's outside the booooox?!

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