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About The Band         Members         The House         Project Goals         >>This is DOPE<<         Contacts

 So, normally we'll tell folks, "Yeah, so we're a virtual or cartoon band made up of two clowns, what some folks call a "daylight" (vampire-angel mix), and a bear." Most run away or towards, either one, full speed when they hear "clowns". Coulrophobia (fear of clowns) is a real thing. We're sorry if that's one of the cards in your deck but one can't help what one is. If it's any consolation, we actually don't know what Tyy is, other than to say he's Tyy, so we just say clown. But, yeah, the rest of that is pretty accurate. We "shift levels" (travel between worlds, realities, dimensions, understandings and manifestations of BEING BEing ways of Being) while on our quest to understand and freely dig on the grooves of the purest vibes... the vibrations of pure free living and BEing Being(s). Yeah, that part. So to better explain who does what here, here's this here, about us here... here here! I would say "starting with the elephant in the room" but really, which one of is is NOT that?

Dig it, TYY... Tyyrell Grady a.k.a. "Flyy Tyy" is the drummer and the youngest member in the group but also one of the 2 co-founders. Dig it, when we first started he called himself "Flyy Tyy Tha Sillkyy Wunn" but, yeah, we cut that down to Flyy Tyy or just Tyy. He's the... um.. cute little 1920's style black and white... Tyy... with the curl. We say he's a clown. He says he's a clown. We honestly don't know what he is other than Tyy. We're getting him to wear colors now, but most of the time he likes black and white. HUGE HIP-HOP HEAD with a tolerance for rap. A lot of the hip hop elements in our sound comes from him. Yes, there are two whys in his name. Guess even with all of his antics and mischief there's a childlike Zen to him, a simplicity that makes him twice as Y's.

Slikk... Bearnardo Stanley a.k.a."B. Slikk"  is "the bear." He's half Kodiak - half Panda, i forget which parent was which at the moment. Slikk is the resident bassist, dj, sensible level-headed philosophy peace making monk in the group. He's still a bear, so, yeah, don't push that button. Big on jazz, blues, house, electro... Charlie & Slikk are into a lot of the same types of music. When we first started, Tyy and I would kick it at Slikk's tailor and he even would let us mess around on his instruments and dig through his huge music collection to get a taste for new vibrations. We all jammed out one night, and Tyy says, "Yeah, he's in." and the duo became a trio. We got with Byrdo and started recording.

Charlie... Charlie Ai Jhayde (pronounced zhade, like shade with a "Z" but most folks say Jade, which she'll allow) is the lead guitarist. She was the final member added to the group with an interesting backstory which (in the diary/comics) comes up in a very interesting ways. Her dad is an Japanese very high ranking "pure-beingAnime Vampire (often confused with "pure-blood"). Her mom is an Ecuadorian Guardian Angel. Every now and then we try to guess how old she is. Metal, rock, punk, classical, edm... she really brought a balance to the group. The kid with the brightest DARK side and stories to tell? That's the kid with the wings and fangs.

Zeph... Zephaniah Raze Chesterfield... or sometimes just  "Z" (or Fire, depends on the universe/reality) does the vocals/vox and whatever else. The clown with the big red nose and big hair. Into every style of music, heavier on hip hop, grunge, and blues-rock... Ended up being the singer because no one else wanted to do it. After rapping they said, "just keep doing that, but sing it." I just dig making music, diggin' vibes, understanding, knowing. Being the front-man-clown, even though the artwork/design is done by the whole group, and we do ALL of our own stuff, still it comes out in my voice for some reason. They always get me to approve everything. I'm no one special, and don't care to be, the diary and comics (alternate converging timelines) may say otherwise with that "Fire" narrative.

So, we're just some kids who got together and travel to different worlds making music, meeting people, experiencing BEING BEing Being and sharing the adventures. That's pretty much us: A band of clowns and a bear having adventures making music (with sometimes a Byrdo as the secret unofficial 5th member)... or a band with one clown, a Tyy (so maybe 2 clowns), a vampire-angel (who clowns sometimes so maybe 3), and a bear, and yeah, adventures and music... There is that one timeline where there's  the whole "Fire" thing, and the whole great war, and the part where Charlie's dad is on one side but in the middle and trying to recruit Zeph because Z's a deity that doesn't know it, and  Zeph and Charlie together can unlock some secret [weapon? being?] thing that could do whatever it wants to all existences (destroy, enlighten, unravel, re-write, etc.), so light and dark, and some other things and beings and entities (oh my!)  are chasing her (Charlie) at first but then find out about him (Zeph) and now we HAVE TO keep jumping to get away from it, while learning what it is at the same time, and end up in prison camp worlds, and dragons rule a cloud city over what you call Canada, and robot race wars and a city called Hell and tiger people and that cool port in what used to be Cali and all sorts of shit coming out of portals and yadda yadda yadda.... There's a couple (more than one) where your world was destroyed and we barely made it out... Oh, and that crazy timeline/universe where there were the 3 Zephs in one room on the other side and there's one ultimate good one, one ultimate bad one, and one ultimate balance, but who's who, and which reality did each end up in.... and that other thing where Charlie's the ultimate evil with her dad or whatever, and like, go against Zeph in a huge battle... and a different one where Charlie rebels against her dad who recruited Zeph to be the ultimate evil and so THEY all fight... THERE'S A LOT GOING ON HERE, BUUUUUUUUUT we like the first one: A band of clowns and a bear having adventures making music. We share as much of all of this as possible here in some music, a few styles of comics, and a philosophy book of thoughts, some of it is in memes with bar conversations and animated shorts... and some other stuff.

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